Overdrive App
RHS Parents and Students,
Westwind School Division now offers free eBooks and audiobooks to our students! Our digital library connects students with a collection of reading materials to supplement their studies, as well as offering the kind of titles they would find in our school library for pleasure reading.
Our digital collection is available 24/7 and all you need to get started is an internet connection and your Student Email Address and Password. For example: if I were Luke Skywalker, my email would be something like sky345@wwsd.ca and my password would be 4 or 6 digits.
Digital books are compatible with smart phones, tablets, eReaders and computers. Titles can be read right in the internet browser OverDrive App or downloaded using the free OverDrive app. At the end of the lending period (14 days) titles automatically expire so there are never any late fees.
We are exited about this addition to our library and encourage you and your student to Check It Out!
Happy Reading!