Athletic Forms
This form must be completed prior to tryouts for any sport within the school or involvement with extracurricular school athletic activity. By submitting this form, you acknowledge that your child may participate in Westwind School Division extracurricular athletic activities or teams (including tryouts).
FOOTBALL 2024/2025 - RHS Athletic Acknowledgement of Risk and Informed Consent Form
VOLLEYBALL 2024/2025 - RHS Athletic Acknowledgement of Risk and Informed Consent Form
CROSS COUNTRY 2024/2025 - RHS Athletic Acknowlegdement of Risk and Informed Consent Form
GOLF 2024/2025 - RHS Athletic Acknowledgement of Risk and Informed Consent Form
Boys Basketball 2024/2025 - RHS Athletic Acknowledgement of Risk and Informed Consent Form
Girls Basketball 2024/2025- RHS Athletic Acknowledgement of Risk and Informed Consent Form
Badminton 2024/2025 - RHS Athletic Acknowledgement of Risk and Informed Consent Form
Baseball 2024/2025 - RHS Athletic Acknowlegment of Risk and Informed Consent Form
Rugby 2024/2025 - RHS Athletic Acknowledgement of Risk and Informed Consent Form
Track and Field 2024/2025 - RHS Athletic Acknowledgement of Risk and Informed Consent Form