Student Union

December 20, 2022
Through the month of November, RHS students and staff participated in a Coat Drive for those in need on the Blackfoot Reserve and in Lethbridge. Their goal was to collect 150 coats by December 1st. If they reached this goal, Mr. Brad Baker and Mr. Ryan Baldry agreed to have their legs waxed!
It was a great success! The students and community collected over 270 warm articles of clothing! All before November 25th! Mr. Baker and Mr. Baldry were great sports and had their legs waxed before a very captivated audience of students and staff during a pep rally on November 24th.
Thank you to all those who participated!!
__________________________________________________________________________ November 4, 2022
RHS Coat Drive
Raymond High School has been asked to help with a coat drive for those needing warm winter clothing. Students have been asked to donate warm socks, sweat pants, hoodies, coats, toques, mitts and scarves.
When they bring their donations, they may put their name in a draw for a $50 gift card. As an extra incentive, Mr. Brad Baker and Mr. Ryan Baldry have agreed to have their legs waxed if students reach 150 items by December 1st.
Please take this opportunity to sort through winter gear and donate those items that are no longer used but in good condition. Those in need will be very grateful!!